Erotic Witchcraft / La Goulve 1972 (Where to Find & Facts on the Film)

Restored Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve), Mario Mercier
Marie-Ange Saint Clair in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Marie-Ange Saint Clair: La Goulve.

Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve), 1972 is the most mysterious film reviewed in my blog and that I've seen for all those years that I've been exploring obscure Eurocult cinema.

But I've found some interesting information about it during my extremely thorough research. And here I will share it with you, as well as tell you about what the film feels like (spoiler: it's one of the best films I've seen).

Let's get down to business.


Historical Facts and Rumors About the Film

Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve) is an obscure mystic horror film, shot in 1972 by a French director Mario Mercier, who is better known for his later pictureA Woman Possessed (La Papesse), 1975.
La Goulve has never been released to home video officially, so it is available to public only in low quality on pirate VHS cassettes and online as VHS rips. Since 2011 we also have a rip with English subtitles, thanks to user Goupil66, whoever he is or was. Apart from being interesting because of its obscurity, it's just a great film too.

According to this review on IMDb, it was banned before the official release, because one of the actresses got scared by the completed work and complained about this to French authorities, who confiscated the master tape and banned the films because of breaking moral standards. Fortunately someone managed to take a low quality copy from it, which we can enjoy after almost 50 years since then.

But this article offers a statement of the producer of La Goulve—Bepi Fontana, that the film was running in cinema in Quebec for 11 weeks, and then banned thanks to Office Catholique (I'm not sure what this organization is or was): Erotic Witchcraft is portraying too much of erotic violence commited by means of unholy magic, which of course looks very offensive and frightening to the religious society. By the way, Mercier's next film—La Papesse—faced the same problem.

One of the readers of my blog, Denis McDuff, reached out to me and shared that he had seen La Goulve as a teenager, when he was fourteen, in 1974. It was screened as a double feature with the main film being The Legend of Hell House. Denis attended the screening with his father at Cinéma St-Denis in Montreal which was a family theater. Denis believes the theater management had made a mistake in rating the film: for about a week it was available for viewers under eighteen years old!
The closing titles credit Claude Déplace as the advisor on occultism. I found out that Claude Déplace was a pretty well-known esoteric guru in France who had his own occult sect that practiced rituals involving gathering naked around a bonfire at night in the woods, searing own skin with a smoldering stick and likely many other weird things. Unfortunately, I don't know much about it, but I wrote about what I discovered more in detail in my review of Mario Mercier's next film—A Woman Possessed / La Papesse.

Maïka Simon in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Maïka Simon: Agnès
Anne Varèze (Nadine) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Anne Varèze: Nadine (Raymond's cousin and victim).
Marie-Ange Saint Clair in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)Marie-Ange Saint Clair in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)

The article also mentions that Bepi Fontana added some elements to the final cut to make it sell better. Eventually, Mario Mercier considered the film being spoiled by this:

Mercier never forgave Bepi Fontana for having distorted his film... and [Pete] Tombs, who had recently found a version of the film in 35mm couldn't release it on DVD for this exact reason.

Additionally, here is an interview with Mario Mercier where he talks about his films, though, unfortunately, doesn't reveal details:

And here you can look at more screenshots of a restored version. I could not find any information about what and where the restored version is, and if the pictures were taken and painted manually from the same VHS rip, or they were taken from a real, existing good quality source, hidden from simple mortal cult cinema fans. Here is a couple of them:

Restored Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve), Mario MercierRestored Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve), Mario Mercier

Plot Summary

A little boy meets a magician and is being taught witchcraft by him during years. When the magician gets old and dies, the boy is already a young man, having troubles with dating girls. In order to solve his problem he applies his magic skills to women in a way inappropriate for a gentleman, and with the help of an attractive, but creepy and dangerous entity from other world—La Goulve.

Hervé Hendrickx (Raymond) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Hervé Hendrickx: Raymond, the young sorcerer.
Anne Varèze (Nadine) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Maïka Simon (Agnes) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)Marie-Ange Saint Clair in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)

Why It's Recommended Here

A relaxing otherworldy mystic vibe. Many directors of that era, exploiting witchcraft topic, succeeded in varying degrees in dragging a viewer into a bizarre hypnotic condition. This film is one of the best examples of success with achieving this.

The second half of the picture feels like a psychedelic dream about a merciless black magic spree gone out of control, accompanied by a creepy soundtrack, amplifying the impression. Even the low quality of the copy, resulting in unrealistic colors of the image on the screen, only adds weirdness, making the watching experience special.

There is also enough female nudity and lesbian erotic scenes.

La Goulve—the magic entity—is particularly charming. She was played by Marie-Ange Saint Clair, who can also be seen in a silly erotic comedy—Le bordel, 1ère époque; 1900 (José Bénazéraf, 1974, France). In Le bordel... she is credited as Marion Saint-Clair, and I couldn't find any information about her personally or any other films with her apart from these two.

Hervé Hendrickx in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)Marie-Ange Saint Clair in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Maïka Simon (Agnes) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)
Maïka Simon (Agnes) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)Maïka Simon (Agnes) in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)


Things I Didn't Like

However, there are a couple of short, but not enjoyable moments:

1) Sacrificing a bird during a ritual. Looks too graphic, making you wonder if the bird was really murdered for filming the scene.
2) A woman dancing on a few little snakes, stepping with her feet right on them.

In my opinion this violence was completely unnecessary, and I would not enjoy the film less if these scenes were absent.

Where to Find It

Previously, I had a direct download link published right here. However, then I thought that it would be safer to share the film privately upon request. So, just contact me at and I will send you a direct link to the VHS rip with English subtitles (I don't ask for money in return or anything similar).

If you have more information about this gem, please share it with me.

Despite being obscure, Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft is a notable example of Cinéma fantastique. I higly recommended to all who has a serious interest in European underground cult movies as well as to anyone who has a thing for unpopular weird art.

Maïka Simon in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)César Torres in Mario Mercier's Erotic Witchcraft (La Goulve)

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  1. The article you give a link to in paragraph 2 above seems to quote me as the source of the information about the film being banned because of one of the actresses getting scared or something. Well, if that's true or not I don't know. But I never gave that information. I also never said it was shot on 16mm by amateurs. I'm pretty sure it was a 35mm production. Also, the writer of that piece on IMDB says I probably don't speak French. I'm not a native speaker but I have a good working knowledge of the language. In any case, the version of La Goulve that I first saw was the English dubbed version released as Erotic Witchcraft. The reason my review of it in Immoral Tales didn't give too many details about the film is that I was writing that from memory. It was many years since I had seen the film. There was no video version available at all when we wrote Immoral Tales. Anyway, just putting the record straight there. It's a great film, really unique, and stands up very well today.

    1. Hello, Pete.

      Thank you for your feedback and clarification, even though this story still stays as mysterious as it was :)

      Nice to see you here.

  2. I met Anne vereze like 15 years ago, nice lady live here I’m Hollywood she was a dog walker. We did a small construction project in her house. I Remember she told me she was an actress but never really look into it until years later. I wish I would have known and ask her about the film.

    1. I met her about 20 years ago in Hollywood! We filmed an interview with her about the film. She was a little bit reluctant to talk at first but soon realised we were genuinely interested in the film so we got some good background information from her. I spoke to her on the phone a few times after that as I was in touch with the director of the film and she wanted to sat hi to him. She was in a few other films that we also talked about, including Les onze mille verges.

    2. Nice. But why was she reluctant to talk about the film? Because it had a bad fame?

      And does anyone of you know anything about Maire Saint-Clair who played La Goulve? I saw her only in one other film - "Le bordel, 1ère époque" by Benazeraf. And I also asked Mario Mercier if he knew anything about her, but he said that he didn't have any news.

    3. I guess it was something like that. Anyway, she was fine after we got talking. About Marie Saint-Clair (which I think must be a pseudonym) - I believe we did talk to Anne about her. So far as I recall (and I've not watched the interview since we recoderd it) both she and Anne were in the French production of Hair. I guess they were probably hired by Bepi, the producer, who was looking for actresses prepared to do nude scenes. They would probably have been hired via an agency that specialised in that at the time, as it was not so common.

    4. Thanks, Pete. So you have a video recording of the interview? It would be fantastic if you published it someday.

  3. Yes. We interviewed Anne Vareze, Bepi Fontana the producer and Paul Soulignac, the cameraman. Hopefully these will all be used one day.

  4. She was a nice lady, funny story one of the guys working with us clog Her toilet didn’t tell us and I flush it after taking a leak water when all over the bathroom down to the underground parking she was mad at first but laugh it off later. Later that they she told us she was I films and told me about Armageddon

    1. Nice story : ) Thanks, Edgar. Have you met any other celebrities when working in LA?

  5. Oooohhh... Nasty! That's the first rule of construction work - bring your own toilet! Here in the UK where I live you can tell when people are having work done in their houses, there's always what they call a "portaloo" outside - a mobile toilet cubicle. Now I know why!

  6. Just found out about this article and discussion by looking information on LA GOULVE on Google. Apparently French label Le Chat Qui Fume has an HD master. So possibly we get a release soon?

    1. Hello. A few months ago Mario responded to my Facebook message that I had sent to him two years before. He told me that the release of La Goulve was being prepared and that it was hopefully expected to happen in 2020. His son is in charge of everything. The DVD (or maybe BluRay) is supposed to contain his three films: La Goulve, La Papesse, and Les Dieux en Colère. And a bonus (I don't know in what form). So let's hope these plans are successful.

      But I didn't know that it was handled particularly by Le chat qui fume. Thanks for noting this. And where did you hear this, if not a secret?

    2. Hi Gene. Le Chat Qui Fume will announce four new French titles this week. I guess one of these is the 4K SEVEN WOMEN FOR SATAN. And I put LA PAPESSE and LA GOULVE on their fb page as my guesses. And then Chat replied that they have a HD master of LA GOULVE. And previously they stated that LA PAPESSE is really difficult (probably the rights situation).
      And Mondo Macabro will also announce two French titles very soon. One of these was already released on dvd and another one is a new release. So possible these are simultaneous releases by MM and Chat?

    3. Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    4. Chat Qui Fume says that LA PAPESSE is not coming. Maybe a rights dispute?

    5. I mentioned all three titles to them. So I guess that means the other two are getting released.

  7. Trust me, it's some way in the future yet

  8. I got a copy off the movie site Trash Palace, although it is a VHS rip. If you haven't heard of it, I've found Trash Palace to be a great source of rare and out of print movies, albeit, it's usually VHS rips so not always as high quality as one might want.

    1. Thanks for sharing the resource. I will keep it in mind. Although they don't seem to offer free downloads.


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