Music and Seasons

In my memory, some of the music albums and songs that I like are connected to seasons. I remember what time of year it was when I listened to them extensively and especially when I discovered them. When a season and a specific kind of weather comes, it makes me want to listen to a song or album I listened to years before during the same time of year. I love feeling nostalgic. For some reason, remembering the past often feels good even if the events I recall weren’t particularly pleasant. I wrote this article mostly for myself — to consult it with the coming of a new season — to remember what to listen to and what to feel nostalgic about. But those who want to know me better as a person may find it interesting as well. Table of Contents Summer Late May-August 2000 In May, I was an eight-year boy going to turn nine. I barely imagined what the terms rock music and metal meant. I didn’t know the term ...