La Papesse / A Woman Possessed 1975 (Facts, Review of Mario Mercier's Film)

In this article I will tell you what's interesting about " La Papesse (1975) " by Mario Mercier: what it feels like and interesting facts about this mysterious film that I could collect. Let's get down to business. Table of Contents General Information La Papesse (A Woman Possessed / I riti erotici della papessa Jesial) is one of the lesser-known cult classic films exploiting the topics of witchcraft, violence and eroticism. It's the third and the last film of a French director Mario Mercier. Despite being comparatively obscure, it's, nevertheless, better-kown than his previous works: La Goulve (Erotic Witchcraft), 1972 and Les dieux en colère, thanks to having been released on DVD by the subdivision of Pathfinder Pictures - Asterix Home Entertainment in 2003. La Papesse is the only film of Mario Mercier that has ever been officially released to home video (at least as fo...