Blood Spattered Bride 1972 (Facts, Review of Vicente Aranda's Film)

Last week I remembered a weird scene from a film that I had watched a few years ago: a man finds a beautiful naked woman buried in sand on a beach. She appears to be alive, he takes her home, and it doesn't turn into anything good. After an online research, I managed to find out the name of the movie. I watched and loved it. And in this article I will tell you why you might love it too. Table of Contents General Information It's The Blood Spattered Bride / La novia ensangrentada / La Mariée sanglante - a Spanish horror film, exploiting the widespread (and maybe even overused) within the genre lesbian vampire story about Carmilla/Mircalla/Millarca Karnstein, originally invented by an Irish writer Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu in 1872 - twenty five years before Bram Stoker's Dracula . Trailer: Plot Summary A newly married couple, right after their wedding...